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Let's Stay Connected

Welcome to our forth page, the month of July.  Through it we hope you will indeed feel connected to each other and that you will share some of the thoughts/ideas that other members have sent in and possibly want to send in something yourself that you are finding helpful/inspiring /funny at this difficult time.


To  take part  you should send to this address: and Sue the Webmaster will be waiting to receive your contributions.  Looking forward to hearing from you.  Any photos, please send as a jpg. 

We have just received the following communication from the NFWI regarding subscriptions.


The NFWI has been very concerned about the disruption that the lockdown period has had on WI meetings and activities.  After consultations with all Federations they have decided that they will be offering a three-month extension to this year’s membership subscription.  This means that the renewal date for membership subscriptions will be 1st April 2021.  From this point onwards, membership renewals will always be in April.


We will of course pass on any further information as we receive it.

Gardening Group-3rd July-limited number

A few of the Garden Group got together for a cup of coffee and enjoyed a chat in spite of the gale blowing. Sticking to the guidelines we were only 6 and will be having another get together soon for more of the members.


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Trish's latest work. In her own words "I thought I would send you this photo, of my latest efforts for keeping me sane!"

Sandra has commented on the 


Denman 1 hour lectures


"I have really enjoyed 5 of the 1 hour Denman lectures via Zoom, and there is one more booked - so far. We're very lucky to have Denman College and know life is difficult for it without being able to have courses on site, so this is a substitute. The lecturers (who often do courses at the College) are excellent, and I do encourage members to join in with some of these online sessions, covering crafts, history and cookery. Apparently there seem to be an average of about 200 members booked in for each session so word has got round ! Have also booked in for the Surrey Federation Afternoon Tea on Friday, so will wait to hear their news and to see how this also works on Zoom."


Sandra has been busy again on zoom attending the zoom tea meeting.  Here follows her message to members.


Hello W.I. Enjoyed the WI Zoom Tea Meeting, and our 'adviser' was very helpful. During the chat, it was mentioned that some National Gallery talks were being laid on for W.I. members - some people were leaving 'tea' in time to log in for one. I asked how we could find out about these, and apparently the details have been issued. I can't see anything in the online SWIN and wondered whether anything had come through Surrey to individual W.I.s. (Also, can't get into MyWI online).  






Cartoon provided by Janet B..JPG

Janet felt we might find the above cartoon amusing.  Courtesy of George Tyson of  Crowborough.

Lynn's collage 1.jpg

Lynn has kept herself busy during July and has just finished her lockdown weaving.  She says it may be of interest to members.

Lynn's collage 2.jpg
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